I work with an amazing technology from NES Health called the BioEnergetiX WellNES System.
The core principle is that the body’s energy field controls biology, chemistry, and physical health.
NES believes as I believe that life starts with information, which guides energy, which becomes organized matter.
The proprietary 3-step system was designed to measure and correct fields of energy that drive physiology while encouraging life-style choices that support good health.
Step 1: Involves assessing my patients’ body-field using a hand scanning device either in my office or through telehealth with a home device.
The cutting-edge health assessment software identifies bioenergetic distortions and blockages within the human energy field that may be contributing to poor health, dysfunction, and disease.
Step 2: Involves unblocking distorted energies through the use of a device which uses pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy with proprietary signals.
Step 3: Involves proprietary liquid remedies, called NES Infoceuticals, which correct information in the Human Body-Field activating its self-restoring abilities.
These infoceuticals are similar to homeopathic remedies, but unlike homeopathy, instead of supplying the body with negative information that provokes a mild response, Infoceuticals supply the body with positive information and exactly what the body needs to gently help rebalance and correct ener- getic distortions.
What is PEMF?
A PEMF is the controlled creation of an electomagnetic field in a pulsating pattern and the therapy directs low-level electromagnetic bursts into the body.
These are different than the EMFs emitted from cell phone towers, cell phones and routers for example. These therapeutic low-frequency EMFs are like those found in nature and they have beneficial effects on the body.
Cells in your body need to be able to carry out certain activities such as repair, waste removal, generation of energy and other specialized functions.
EMFs help boost cellular function by helping move ions and electrolytes. Since the cells across the entire body are affected by the PEMF, research has shown many health benefits including:
- Decreased inflammation
- Better sleep and improved mental function
- Improved circulation and therefore, better healing
- Enhanced cellular regeneration
The system is used as a complementary tool and not as a stand-alone diagnostic tool.
I have found it to be powerfully accurate in terms of uncovering sources of energetic imbalances in emotional, mind, body, and spiritual areas that are inhibiting an individual’s forward progression of health and healing.
In practical terms, the system helps to discover potential areas and sources of energy blocks ranging from environmental triggers, potential toxin exposures, potential food sensitivities and nutrient imbalances, issues with potential sources of infections, organ systems that may be operating at a suboptimal level, mental health–related issues, as well as emotional issues that may need further investigation and exploration.
The addition of this technology helps open up areas of discussion and allows one to go on a voyage of self-discovery, adding a further dimension to the toolkit of root cause analysis.
This helps further direct lifestyle modifications as well as additional support services that may be needed, including alternative or complementary mental health providers.
The Infoceuticals and MiHealth device can be added to the patient’s support regimen to assist the mind, body, and spirit in returning to a state of harmony and balance.
The clinical and personal implications of this cannot be overstated. When people feel “stuck” and unable to achieve the level of health and healing that they desire, it is usually a result of energy in the body not flowing freely.
Interestingly, the modern technology of the NES system is congruent with the foundational belief system of Ayurveda, a science over five thousand years old, in that when we discover the blockages and free up the flow, healing naturally follows. And this is particularly true when an individual has unresolved emotional trauma.
Now that you understand that we are energetic beings interconnected to everyone and everything around us and that this complex energetic environment underlies all of our physiology and biochemistry, let’s talk about what happens when our energies become blocked.
Energetic blockages take place for a variety of reasons:
- electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) emitted by wireless internet, computers, Bluetooth devices, cell phone towers, cell phones, and routers
- poor water conditions
- chemicals and pollutants in our everyday drinking water
- toxic metals accumulating and being stored in our bodies
- imbalanced gut microbiomes and unwanted gastrointestinal visitors such as pathogenic bacterial organisms, virus, parasites, and yeasts
- mold toxicity
- chemicals of all types, including those in skin care products
- stress
- unresolved emotional trauma
When energy is blocked or distorted, the proper information cannot get to where it needs to go, and the body functions are compromised.
Sometimes people are doing all the “right things” – exercising, eating healthy, taking supplements, meditating, et cetera – and they are still hitting an energy roadblock.
This is where the NES system can help.
The research on the BioEnergetiX WellNES System that I am using within my practice has been ongoing for about forty years, and what they have found is that with regular use people have reported:
- More energy
- Calmer emotions and deeper and more restorative sleep
- Feeling less stressed and being able handle stress levels better
- Better digestion
- Balanced hormones
- Greater focus with less brain fog
It’s time to take back control of your health and support your body’s ability to naturally heal itself. Check out the links below to learn more and visit my website to work with me by going to www.symptomstosoulutions.com or sign up here for a free energy!