Tuning Fork, Chakra Balancing and Sound Medicine
Stimulate Natural Healing!
“Future medicine will be the energy of frequencies”
-albert einstein
Disease is nothing more than disharmony. A disharmony of the energetic body, the mental and emotional bodies, the physical body, and ultimately the soul.
I use the tools of tuning forks, sound medicine, and chakra balancing to bring the body back into a state of harmony.
Tuning Forks:
I use tuning forks to access the body’s biofield in order to impact its electrical and magnetic energies. The forks help to bring disorganized and dissonant energies back into alignment allowing for deep healing to occur physically, mentally, and emotionally. Both the conscious and subconscious minds are cleared of blocked energies and repressed memories.
The process allows me to check for resistance and turbulent energies and activate coherent energy frequencies to help bring the body back into balance.
- Promote the flow of energy through the meridians to stimulate the body’s natural healing, increasing resilience
- Helps to relax the body and reduce stress, tension and promote sleep
- Can aide with physical ailments such as muscle tension, pain, and swelling
- Deeper breathing
- The body enters a flow state with a sense of calm and ease
Chakra Balancing
This is another form of energy healing.
The 7 chakras (wheels) are considered to be the main energy centers in the body. Healthy chakras move in a clockwise direction and flow freely. When energies become blocked for various reasons including traumas, illness, injuries, childhood wounds, etc., the energy can no longer flow freely throughout the body and this causes stagnation and the inability to heal, feel vibrant, and thrive.
Balancing chakras involves assessing the body’s energy systems, evaluating the individual chakras and unblocking any that are resistant to flow.
The 7 main chakras: Root (Muladhara), Sacral (Swadhisthana), Solar Plexus (Manipura), Heart (Anahata), Throat (Vishuddha), Third-Eye (Ajna), and Crown (Sahasrara)
Sound Medicine
This modality helps to induce profound relaxation by creating shifts in the brainwave state using entrainment allowing one to shift from beta to alpha or theta states. I use vocal toning, mantras, biurnal beats, drumming, crystal bowels, guided meditation, tuning forks and music to create an environment where energetic blockages can be released. The subtle energetic body stores all of our memories and imprints of traumas and when imbalanced leads to physical symptoms. Sound can help move and release these energies.
Sound treatment has been shown to help with:
- Anxiety and Depression
- Stress and PTSD
- Pain and Sleep
- Activation of the vagus nerve to help reduce inflammation and slow down the aging process
- Cell membrane activation and cell to cell communication
- Nitric oxide production increases dopamine levels, thereby decreasing cortisol, enhancing sexual function, and supercharging your immune system
contact Dr. glow to schedule a session today!
“Concerning MATTER we have all been wrong. What we have called matter is really ENERGY, whose vibration has been lowered as to be perceivable to the senses. There is no MATTER. There is only LIGHT and SOUND”–Albert Einstein
Now accepting a limited-number of new patients!
If you reside outside of Tennessee, Illinois or Colorado, you may consult with Dr. Glow as long as your first visit is in-person in her new Knoxville, TN office. The following appointments for the entire year may be virtual.